Law Student Tutoring & New Lawyer Mentoring

We provide tutoring services for law school students and mentoring for new lawyers. We help you understand and apply the law, with over 30 years of legal experience in all aspects of the law. There is no cost to enroll, and you only pay for the specific areas of the law in which you need help.

Law school tutoring & new lawyer mentoring

Explore our tutoring and mentoring offerings  which are designed to empower law students and new lawyers. Struggling through law school alone is tough, and sometimes you just want to talk to a lawyer about the issue at hand. We are here for you. Maybe you are a new attorney struggling at a small or medium sized law firm, and you just need a little mentoring to help you through a case or transaction. We are here to help. With over 30 years of experience in criminal law, civil litigation, tort & property law, contract law, constitutional law, evidence, or taxation, we can assist you to achieve your academic goals. or successfully navigate your legal career. Enrolling is free, and you only pay for the modules you need.

FoR Law 


Our tutoring modules available for law students. 

For new lawyers

Our mentoring modules available for new lawyers.

for bar exam

Our solutions for passing the bar exam.

Our Areas of Legal Experience

At Law Mentor Pro, we help students and new attorneys in almost every area of the law. We have lawyers with experience in contracts, torts, business litigation and transactions, civil procedure, appellate law, federal criminal prosecution, military law, taxation, federal civil litigation, regulatory law, employment & labor law, property law and construction disputes, products liability, public sector litigation & representation, bankruptcy law, and many others. You can enroll for free, and select any module that could help.